What if...you really could love today just as it is?

Would you be OPEN to receiving more calm, connection and curiousity into your life?

START HERE and your journey can begin. 

Happy Monday Email with Hope and Happy just for you!

time + new tools + action = growth

My 5 C's of Healing and Healthy Relationship.










The paradox: In order to move forward in your life you need stillness.  Its true!

What seems the least possible is possible.

Even though you feel like RUNNING AWAY. You really need connection and curiosity with yourself and with God.


This is where you run away to.

 It is in this space of calm, curiosity and connection you will begin to create forward as you

SEE -  SAY - FEEL - DO  in new ways!

Can you feel hope bubbling up --even now?

HOPE starts here!

"After just 5-6 sessions with Kimra, I felt like I had the tools to navigate the problems we addressed together in subsequent sessions, we focus on strategies that are still helping me grow toward the best version of myself."

Todd, CO

"I was referred to Kimra by a family member during a time of personal crisis. Kimra's coaching has been absolutely crucial to navigating this challenging time of life. She is so kind and responsive.

"Kimra's teaching feels like I have a secrete weapon for when life's challenges become overwhelming.

-Francois, NC

"The 30-day focus on healing course..

has reminded me to turn to my Savior for help with my healing. It has helped me recognize the importance of acknowledging my emotions and where they come from.  I am grateful for Kimra’s example of her poetry that has helped me learn the importance of writing down my feelings. I’ve even started to write a little poetry, something I’ve never done before.  This course also taught me about how our life is like the seasons. We are often in different seasons at different times in our lives. Life has a cycle to it that continues on. Knowing what season we are in can also help us heal. 


Stacey Dickson, WA

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Love, Today! 

As you focus on your healing your relationship with yourself and finding one with heaven YOU will love today.

Love, Today Community

Coming soon!